
Saturday, January 28, 2012

NYC lip heaven

So I went out today and found myself in the makeup aisle at Kmart. Oh why can't I stay away from any makeup aisle. ...LOL. So I look at all the product and the NYC lipshine and Smooch Proof tint caught my eye. First as was like I didn't even know that Kmart sold it and that I was jumping for joy for all the selections. I always been into NYC makeup but I fell in love with the Lipshine when I recieved it in my Influenster Voxbox. I received Nude York city so I wanted to try a more bold color. The one I picked was Midtown Mulberry

I picked up the Smooch proof tint because I for interested in it after watching the video on their website The color I chose for the tint was Champagne Stain. Both colors are in the almost burgundy shade but not to dark like wine.
Left: Midtown Mulberry Right: Champagne Stain

What I loved about this product is that it reminds me of a felt tip pen. So its makes it easy to shape your lips like a liner. So here are the swatches On the left is the NYC liquid lipshine and on the right is Smooch Proof Tint.

 I used my niece as my model for this she was so excited to see I had new lipwear.

 Here is the tint by itself: 

 And here is the tint with the lipshine on top. 

So pretty to me. Goes well together: So in so excited to make a look with this bold lip color. Hope you like it as well as I do.

 I also did my nails the night before. Been so long that I haven't been tending to them. They been naked so long. I attempted to do the peacock design. Here it go:

Nails of the week

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